
η Νέα Ζηλανδία χρησιμοποιεί wiki για νομοσχέδιο

Το BBC αναφέρει ότι η διαβούλευση για την αναθεώρηση ενός νόμου για την αστυνόμευση θα γίνει και με την χρήση ενός wiki. Το τελικό κείμενο που θα προκύψει θα δοθεί στην αρμόδια κοινοβουλευτική επιτροπή το 2008, που θα το λάβει υπόψιν της στην σύνταξη του νέου νόμου.

Αντιγράφω από το παραπάνω άρθρο αυτό που είναι κατά την γνώμη μου η ουσία παρόμοιων προσπαθειών:

"Launching a wiki version of a statute is a novel move, but one we hope will yield a range of views from people interested in having a direct say on the shape of a new Policing Act," Supt McCardle said.

Μ' αρέσει -πολύ.

πηγή: cosmix.org

2 σχόλια:

Derek είπε...

εμένα μ'αρεσε η λεζάντα στην photo που συνόδευε το άρθρο του BBC

«"Self-policing" should correct any corrupting entries»

Δήμητρα Σαράντου είπε...

Διαβάστε για την πρωτοβουλία πολιτών για "ανοικτό κόμμα" στη Βοστώνη, ενόψει Δημοτικών Εκλογών:

We're an open source political party and this is our manifesto.
Starting with Boston's City Council, we're forming a new political party to represent the needs and wants of a new generation of Americans. This is our 10-point platform:
1. We support the democratization of local governments through the use of digg-style lawmaking.
2. We believe social media websites represent the future of participatory governing.
3. We believe traditional voting processes should be augmented with secure web-based voting systems.
4. We want to see open source software, formats and philosophies replace proprietary products such as the ruling Microsoft monopoly in public agencies.
5. We demand that all politicians keep regularly updated blogs, with open comment systems, to maintain contact with their constituents.
6. We want to see wiki-style collaborative writing of proposed laws and bills.
7. We demand that all governing bodies publish Youtube-style video of all public meetings and votes.
8. We support a total reform of patent, copyright and intellectual property law to reflect free and open Creative Commons-style licensing.
9. We are against the implementation of draconian DRM systems.
10. We want open VOIP, email and IM lines of communication with our elected officials.
Simple, straightforward and with little fanfare, we're tacking our demands on the virtual door of the country.
.At this stage in our campaign what we need the most is to spread the word, and how better to do that than the social news and media websites we are championing? We believe that if there is an overwhelming response to our message from these communities we have a mandate from the people to continue working towards our goals. Our first efforts will be to elect a member of our party to the Boston City Council in the 2007 election. If you support what we're saying and would like to see it implemented in your community, please join our mailing list or give us a vote at your favorite site.
We're moving to a new site at Diggocracy, come help us build it.


Dimitra Sarandou